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Earth Rights Conversations: Implementing Rights of Nature – Strategies and obstacles
20 mars, 2018 @ kl 19:00 - 20:30
GratisVälkommen till en ny Earth Rights Conversation, denna gång i form av ett webinar tillsammans med professorCraig Kaufmann. Samtalet hålls på engelska.
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Här en presentation av kvällens tema:
During last year the emerging ideas and movements for Rights of Nature have seen a lot of development on national level all around the world. What can we learn from this – is it possible to identify key strategies and obstacles? Craig Kauffman is Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of Oregon. His current book project analyzes new global governance structures created to institutionalize Earth Law in order to alter the way we practice sustainable development and address climate change. The project analyzes the global Rights of Nature movement and its effort to incorporate rights of nature into laws and institutions at both the domestic and international levels. More about Craig httImplementing rights ps://blogs.uoregon.edu/craigkauffman/